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Friday, February 11, 2011

Lead With Values

I was reminded by my mentor Joe Stumpf that I can achieve anything I want when I get my core values and message in alignment with the highest version of myself, then pick up the tools and create Bankable Results.

Our values: I founded this company in 2010 on the concept of being a servant not being served.

A servant puts the relationship ahead of the commission, is committed to what's important to their client, sees themselves as a trusted advisor, drives our fear with love, communicates with compassion and empathy, and leads by putting others first.

Our Message: We believe that buyers and sellers want to have the kind of experience that they want to tell the people they love all about.

Our Tools; Are market information, experience, technology, Realtor & Lender networks, and everything else needed to help you make a good decision.

We are constantly creating new ways to encourage you, guide you, train you, and advise.

Thanks Joe!

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